Star trek song bar scene
Star trek song bar scene

star trek song bar scene

Listen to the best of John Williams on Apple Music and Spotify.

Star trek song bar scene movie#

Then he handed that cut of the film over to Williams – who won the job thanks to the recommendation of Steven Spielberg after Williams delivered the most iconic horror score since Psycho for his fish movie Jaws – and said: “That. Lucas originally cut his film, then entitled just Star Wars, only to be renamed later as Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope, culling the works of such musical masters as Beethoven, Bach and Tchaikovsky, among others.

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And you begin with the most daunting task a filmmaker ever laid upon the shoulders of a composer: “Give me a body of work comparable with the greatest masterpieces of symphonic history.” He’s the creative well that all things Star Wars springs from, and will continue to spring from for many years. Where to begin when talking about the most influential score in film history? Not necessarily with the long and storied career that John Williams enjoyed before Star Wars.

Star trek song bar scene